Intuition through the senses is so natural to everyone that we can develop it at any time to experience more of ourselves in the way life intended. One way to enhance your intuition is by tapping into the Clair senses. The term 'Clair' means 'clear,' and Clair senses are the intuitive versions of our five primary senses. If you can touch, taste, hear, smell, or see, you already have the potential to access the intuitive Clair forms of these senses. Everyone has at least one Clair ability. The key is learning how to tap into them. While our primary senses help us navigate the physical world, the intuitive Clair senses guide us through non-physical realms. Both types of senses are interconnected through the body, emphasizing the holistic nature of intuition.
Our primary senses, crucial for navigating and enjoying physical pleasures, often dominate our focus. This dominance can distract us from the balanced guidance of non-physical, intuitive information. By recognizing this distraction, we can begin to explore what else we can perceive, expanding our attention from the superficial aspects of our senses. This shift reveals a wealth of valuable information in everything we touch, taste, hear, smell, and see. The Clair senses also offer two more senses than our primary five, but I'm sure you will relate.
Most people have heard of Clairvoyant, but do you know the others?
Eboni’s upcoming book, Your Intuitive Nudge: A Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting with Your Intuition, will help you access and develop your intuition based on her experience with intuition and how it has guided her.
I feel like I learned so much about myself today, Eboni! I am so thankful for you. I needed someone else to explain the energy that I feel inside so I could uncover what felt confusing and double down on what shines bright.
Eboni has been sharing Clairtangent readings since 2012, and she thinks of the experience as her telling you what your body is telling her. Information can span any experience you have had and is not specific to the current experiences as the body holds every memory from utero.
Intuitive healing mentorship is a personalized program that helps you find the purpose in your pain, better understand yourself, and shift your perception of yourself by recognizing your strength to overcome it. The program takes place via eight weekly virtual sessions. Each session supports you in going inward to use your pain to access more of your intuition. Eboni guides you to listen to yourself instead of telling you to listen to her.
The individual intuition coaching program is personalized to help you address and overcome your specific challenges in accessing more of your intuition overall and identifying what Clair you are and how to use it. The program occurs over sixteen weeks via eight bi-weekly virtual sessions and eight bi-weekly focus activities.