During the reading, Eboni tunes into your energy, from the soles of your feet to the top of your head, and shares information about various aspects of your life, such as relationships, home, work, career, financial, social, spiritual, religious, and health to further inform and assist you as needed. 

Q. How long is a Clairtangent reading, and what is the process?

Readings are typically one hour long. However, they can extend beyond that to avoid disrupting the information Eboni receives. All readings take place via telephone using one-time call-in numbers, and Eboni asks that you use headphones or something similar so that your hands are free.


Q. What do I have to do? 

You will lay on your back in the relaxed yoga savasana position. Please be alone in the room so Eboni doesn’t pick up on other people’s energy, although infants and pets are okay. 

Q. What should I expect?

Eboni will talk to you the entire time while sharing the information she receives from your body. You can either remain silent or talk.

Eboni is a master of her work because it’s so clear it comes from her heart. Within the first 3 minutes, I was flabbergasted at how she could translate sensations into detailed descriptions of my present, past, future, relationships, energy, you name it. Things I had been struggling with for years but couldn’t figure out why.